A Brighter Community (ABC) is a nationally accredited preschool and family support center serving economically and environmentally at-risk children, ages 3 – 5 years. Core programs are high-quality preschool, voluntary pre-kindergarten, and childcare, where children receive daily meals, access to medical and dental professionals, and on-site speech/occupational therapy and play therapy as needed.
“Grant writing for our preschool was just the start of P2G’s work with us. Through P2G’s service our preschool is now profitable and our staff morale is high, leading to a better education for our children. Our teachers are more engaged and the families have seen the change. The school has truly gained momentum and it all started with P2G. Both the interior and exterior of the preschool has been transformed.”
Juanita Mclintock-Lee, Executive Director
P2G provided the following solutions:
As a result of P2G’s services the client has:
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