Nonprofits serving children and families in Hillsborough County are very fortunate to have the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County to turn to for help with their capacity building needs. Twice each year the Children’s Board provides grants of up to $5,000 to nonprofits for technical assistance/capacity building, needs that many funders will not fund. These grants can be used for costs such as strategic planning, board development, marketing, fund development, and technology. The grants have helped many nonprofits step to their next level of growth.
Pathways to Growth has been privileged to work with many smaller nonprofits through this Children’s Board grant. Our work with these nonprofits has helped them to develop strategic plans, develop and train their boards, provide leadership coaching to executives, create fund development plans, conduct grant research, develop policies and procedures to assist with grant readiness and provide grant writer training. We are thrilled to see so many of these organizations then move on to attract more grant dollars from a variety of funders, improve the impact of their programs and establish highly effective boards.
The next deadline for the Children’s Board Technical Assistance Grant is November 14th. Please email Pathways to Growth to discuss how your organization can benefit from these grants.
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