I think most people in the U.S. could name the TV show that has contestants clapping, high fiving each other and saying, “Good answer! Good answer!” Of course, that is none other than Family Feud.
Unfortunately, when it comes to specific answers to burning questions from those new to grant seeking, I very often am forced to answer, “It depends.” And, at least at first, most don’t consider that to be a particularly “Good answer!”
Over the past three weeks I have been privileged to teach the Grant Writing Certificate Course at the Nonprofit Leadership Center in Tampa, Florida. It was a great experience that allowed me to meet great leaders from across the area who are working diligently to make a difference in their corner of the world. Being in a room with such devoted souls is “hands down” one of my most favorite things to do!
From the very beginning of the class, as the Q&A sections began, I told the students to beware that my first answer will often be, “It depends.” I lost count of how many times I said that, but by the end of our 16 hours together I know the class had a much greater understanding why. As we discussed all of the intricacies of the grant writing process, their eyes were opened to just how many different options and procedures are involved with each potential funder and grant proposal.
Over the years I have fielded many of the same questions over and over again when an organization and/or grant writer are new to the grant seeking process. I have listed below what I consider to be five of the most common questions in which the good answer is almost always, “It depends.”
Question: I would love to answer some of your burning grant writing questions below. And I will do my best not to answer, “It depends.”
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